الخميس، 25 أغسطس 2011

Solar Boats: Composite Cheops

Solar Boats: Composite Cheops

Image of the sun side of a boat (Khufu) and next to Al-Ahram is the sun, a craft museum, which was found hidden beside the pyramids. In one of the pits next to the pyramid (Cheops) is made of cedar wood Almstjelb from the mountains of Lebanon, and was disassembled and placed very carefully, also found ropes, oars of their own, the length of the compound (5.43 meters), and maximum width (9.5 meters) and depth (87.1 meters), and particularly the height of the package in the form of papyrus (6 meters), and the high tail (7 meters) and the compound is composed of 1224 the longest piece of wood (23 meters), and the smallest (10 cm ), and the compound is a main compartment is divided into two rooms:
A small room in the direction of introduction, and a large room area (7 meters) surrounded cabin 36 column on the wedge-shaped tent, and the cabin master is a very small fall in the prow, and the compound 10 paddles 5 on each side, and most likely has developed this compound to be at the disposal of the king in the other world.



Sphinx has carved the statue of King Khafre, the huge "Sphinx" Generally speaking man and the body of a lion Rad near the pyramids for almost 4,500 years most of the time buried up to his neck in the sand, which protected him ravages of time. Since its discovery in modern times become a prey to the Sphinx to the wind and water rights because of carved limestone statue eroded by groundwater and the sandy wind. Has undergone Pharaonic effect with a length of 48 meters to several restoration operations.

The third pyramid: a pyramid of Menkaure

The third pyramid: a pyramid of Menkaure

Mncarua built by King Khafre, son of the king. , The length of each side of the ribs 5108 meters and a height in the original 5.66 m and the angle of inclination 51 degrees, and the entrance on the north side rises about four meters above ground level, and leads into a corridor, the downside length 31 meters, and the angle of descent is simple, the roof of the granite and then after that, we find veiled Dhliza stones and lead to a horizontal passage in which three barricades, and then we get to the burial chamber, and found a wooden coffin with his name his. Oppe reserved launched at the British Museum (Menkaure), the name of the pyramid (the Bible).

Second pyramid: the pyramid of King Khafre

Second pyramid: the pyramid of King Khafre

Built by King Khafre pyramid south-west of his father Khufu. And, still retains part of the Xaúh at the top so far, with a height of 143.5 meters and a length of 215.5 meters of each side, and the inclination angle of 53.10, is located at ground level, and the entrance corridor lead to the downside, the roof of the granite and the angle of descent 22, ends at the barricade enter him into a corridor, landscape, and then ramp leads to a compartment called the wrong compartment burial is empty carved in the rock, and continues to the vestibule to the mound last found to rise to the top corridor horizontal end compartment burial, and this room ceiling Jmalone constructed with limestone , almost the middle of the pyramid, Khafre was the name of the pyramid (the Great)

And Khafre is the fourth king of the Fourth Dynasty, he married Princess (anchorages Ankh) third mention of Maniton that the rule of twenty-six years is credited with the second pyramid of Giza pyramids, which is lower than the pyramid (Cheops), the height of the original one hundred and forty-three meters and a half, and is now one hundred and six and thirty meters and a half, built on an area of ​​two hundred and fifteen Mtramrava and a half square meter, and the pyramid has two entrances on the north side, and still the pyramid retains part of the Xaúh at the top, was found in the temple of the valley on his collection hierarchy on the statues of stone, schist, including a statue of one of the most beautiful sculpture produced in Egypt.

First, the effects of the Cairo and Giza

First, the effects of the Cairo and Giza

One of the Seven Wonders, was built in 2650 BC. M approximately, is Aattabroazm stone building in the world, attributed to the king (Cheops), the Fourth Dynasty, was built by engineer (Ham Ono), the base of the pyramid square length of each side was originally 230 meters, and was high in originally 146 meters, and is now 137 meters, construction 5.51 degree angle, between the air pressure in a pyramid, the number of stones used in the construction of about 2.3 million block of stone, weighing an average of 5.2 tons.

And is the second king of the Fourth Dynasty, came to power after the death of his father (Bent), his full name (Khanm scared me) any (the god Khnum, who protect me), scientists believe it is originally from the village (Beni Hassan) (banned Cheops) any (wet-nurse of Cheops), Little is known about the important events in his reign, but that he had sent missions to the Valley of the cave, where he found his name and image represents an airing on the person's head pin assassin; in order to bring the turquoise, and has a statue of one found in (Abydos) of ivory, carved his name on the throne, and the length of the statue of five centimeters, and is now in the Egyptian Museum the rule according to the Papyrus (Turin) is about twenty-three years, and is credited with the Great Pyramid of Giza Pyramids, the largest stone building in the world and called the name (sister of Cheops), the sense of the horizon of Khufu.

Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria

Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria

Back the idea of ​​a museum in Alexandria in 1882 to include a collection of Egyptian antiquities in the Greek and Roman eras, which were found in Alexandria and in the areas ROMANIAN other Greek monuments. The museum was initially a small facility consists of five rooms located in the Rashid Street (the road to freedom).

With the large number of Greek monuments ROMANIAN discovered it became clear that this small building no longer meets the required purpose, for this was decided to establish a new museum, a museum in 1895 and the current was composed of 11 exhibition hall. Over time, added to the museum halls of other most recently No. 25 Hall that emerged during the development of the Museum in 1984. A room that has the largest collection of coins of different metals since about 650 BC. M (from Greece) and even the Ottoman era.

One of the main groups displayed in the museum that a group known as Alexandria or Alexandria Hall, which includes some of the heads of statues of Alexander the Great and the statue of the god Serapis in the form of light, which dates to the reign of Hadrian, and was found in the Serapeum in Alexandria,

The bust of Serapis body parts from the alabaster and another body human figures also sycamore wood panels of the mosaic depicting a symbol of Alexandria in the form of a woman as well as the statue of Isis, each Harbu Hippocrates. Then there is the hall, a group of Egyptian Antiquities from the statues and amulets and coffins and masks of plaster, and some Roman temple of Sobek holdings displayed in the museum garden and who was in the belly of Hurriyet Fayoum.

There was the hall where the carved pieces represent a marriage of Egyptian art and Greek art.

Then the room with a large number of paintings and funerary statues of some of the Hall of the Ptolemaic kings and some Roman Emperors, and the Hall of statues of gods, which includes the statue of the goddess Aphrodite. Hall and Hall of coffins and pottery, Hall and Hall Altnajra Almsarj glass, textile and some pieces Coptic different columns and capitals.

13. Temple of Esna:

13. Temple of Esna:

Located south of Luxor, and contains a room full of pictures and publications which follow the Roman emperors who came to Egypt and sacrificed to the gods.

12. Temple of Dendera:

12. Temple of Dendera:

This temple is located on the Romanian after sixty kilometers north of Luxor. Ptolemy III has begun the construction of this temple, and completed after the Roman Ptolemaic rulers. The temple contains the famous painting of Queen Cleopatra and Caesar son of King Julius Caesar, the temple is famous for explaining astronomical towers.

11. Temple of Medinet Habu:

11. Temple of Medinet Habu:

Specially built for Ramses III is concerned with Blohath religious and military debate, and these paintings still retain luster colors.

10. Museum of Ramses:

10. Museum of Ramses:

It was built specifically for the King Ramses II, and the murals of this temple are images of the Battle of Kadesh, which won the King Ramses against the enemies of the Hittites, which signed a peace treaty with them after that

9. Bahari Temple:

9. Bahari Temple:

This temple built by the Queen Hatshepsut to represent the secrets of the underworld. The Temple of Deir el-Bahari of the latest effects is due to the seventh century BC and used by the Copts as a place to celebrate. It consists of three halls of the temple views.

8. Marble statue:

8. Marble statue:

Length of 19.20 meters, a remnant of the Temple of Amenhotep III. This occurred after the temple suffered from cracks Vsmah Greeks marble. It tells the story of the hero, who died in the wars of Troy and was told it was call his mother gods Eros dawn every morning, and he often sobbed he calls to her.

7. Cemetery Ramuz:

7. Cemetery Ramuz:

Is one of the state officials under the reign of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten, and the cemetery consists of explanatory posters explaining the history of Akhenaten and his wife Nefertari.

6. Mina Cemetery:

6. Mina Cemetery:

Is consolidated the two countries during the era of the sixth Tsmosis

4. By rams

4. By rams

Borders the road that leads to the Temple of Luxor are two rows of sphinxes with heads between the humanity of the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak and Luxor Temple. This has been prepared the way for the celebrations, where the procession was moving, which includes priests and the pious of the participants in the celebration on the banks of the River Nile and across the road, to and from the temple.

The priests carrying wooden boats, which includes Mqasira containing statues of the Trinity, which consists of a good Amon - Ra, death and Khonsu.

The length of the road lined Sphinx statues in front of the Temple of Luxor, about 2.5 kilometers or 1.5 miles. And statues dating back to the era of King Nguetnbu I, who ruled from between 380 and 363 BC. M. Of the family sessions. The solution this way replace other ways back to the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty and the era of Ramses II from the nineteenth and the family, who ruled in the period between 1290 and 1224 BC. M.

So far, searching only for 34 of the Sphinx statue on the west side of the road and 38 statues on the eastern side, the remaining statues and more still buried under the houses of modern Luxor

5. The tombs of the kings and queens Diane:

This is the cemetery that was built by the kings and queens of the modern state, in order to dig their faces on the rocks of the valley. The elements of the graves of several rooms and corridors leading to the burial chambers. And contains the tomb was discovered on 64 sequentially from Touhthomps III, Amenhotep II and Tutankhamun, and Horimbab, and Ramses III, Ramses IV, King City.

3. Sacred lake:

3. Sacred lake:

The lake is sacred outside the main hall of the Temple of Luxor, where there is a large statue of the scarab was the dedication to the statue of King Amenhotep, and was created when the lake is used for water purification.

2. Luxor Temple

2. Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple was built in the reign of the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and the nineteenth. He was considered the center of worship for many religions since the era of the Pharaohs until the reign of the Christian and Islamic eras. He built this temple for the worship of Amun-Ra and the death of his wife and their son Khonsu, the gods, also called the title Tibi Trinity (Trinity good).

Among the most important existing buildings temple are those built by the kings Amenhotep III - of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and Ramses II - from the family ninth century and who rebuilt the cabin three that had been built before, in the reign of Queen Hatshepsut and King Thutmose III of the Eighteenth Dynasty.

The kings in the later periods change some of the inscriptions of the temple wall, for example the scenes of rejoicing, "Opt" covenant of Tutankhamun and Horemheb; as well as scenes of the sacred boat cabin in the era of Alexander the Great.

Unlike the temples designed by the architects of ancient, and that was on the east side of the Nile in the direction of the center-west - east, and west side in the direction of axis of the east - west, the Temple of Luxor was built in the direction of the center of the North - South; and perhaps to be on one line with group of Karnak Temple to the north, and with the Sphinx by or rams which connected between the temples.

Luxor .. City embraces history

Luxor .. City embraces history

Containing the city of Luxor, only a third of the effects of the world, and thus considered the greatest open-air museum in the world are filled with awe and effects suggestive of old civilization.

Luxor was part of the good old rule that has been such for 1350 consecutive years from 2100 BC to 750 BC, which was launched by the great Greek of Homer, "the city with the percent door" because of the buildings with large doors. He was impressed by the Arabs and the beauty of Luxor Vsmoha what they have seen many of the palaces.

This fascinated the visitor when visiting the city, which are terrible Bmayanha space on each shore of the Nile in its bank, whether East or West where there are statues of Memnon, graves and valleys of the kings and queens and many temples and tombs of key figures.

1. Temples of Karnak:

Of the most famous tourist destinations in Egypt as a whole, and there on the east bank of the Nile "City Life", one of the most places that accept Ali had tourists because it is one of the signs of Luxor Deals, where every king of the successive kings, tries to make the temple the most wonderful of the characteristic from his predecessor therefore turned to the temples of Karnak, a complete guide, and a variety show stages of the evolution of ancient Egyptian art and architecture Pharaonic characteristics.

Has built the temples of Karnak, the beginning of the family of the 11 some year 2134 BC., When was a good center for the religion of Egypt, which is surrounded by walls of brick connected to each other through corridors guarded by statues of compact two rows of sphinxes, and has a total area of ​​the temple about 3 kilometers square.